
Sunday, November 18, 2018

Dead Poets Live: The Broken Word (2018)

November 18, 2018:

Tom Hiddleston, George MacKay, Yasmin Paige, Faaiz Mbelizi, and Toby Jones lit up the stage at the for Dead Poets Live: The Broken Word. Tom stepped in as a last minute replacement after his father Jeremy Irons unfortunately couldn't make the event. (Jeremy played Henry IV to Tom's Henry V in The Hollow Crown and they also starred together in High-Rise). Dead Poets Live is a series that creates theatre out of poems to bring poetry to new audiences. Contrary to what the name implies, this event celebrated the work of a very alive Poet, Adam Foulds. The Broken Word is an epic poem about British Colonial Rule in Kenya and the 1950s Mau Mau uprising against it. The event was held in the Print Room at the Coronet and supported by the T.S. Eliot Foundation. 

Tom served as the Narrator for the event. George played the main character, Tom, while Toby, Yasmin, and Faaiz voiced the additional characters. 

According to their website this event is being filmed. I am still waiting confirmation on whether that video will be made public and when/how it will be shared. Official pictures will also be uploaded to the Dead Poets Live website. There have been some fan photos of the event floating around but the audience was specifically asked not to take pictures inside the event and Tom specifically said that he didn't want to take pictures during the after show drinks reception so I will not be including any of those on the blog. 

All proceeds from this event are going to Safe PassageSafe Passage exists to help unaccompanied child refugees and vulnerable adults find safe, legal routes to sanctuary. 

*Update: The first images from the performance were released by Dead Poets Live in August 2019


Tom Hiddleston was wearing his PreFall 2015 Alexander McQueen suit. 


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