
Sunday, October 6, 2019

Slave Play Broadway Opening Night (2019)

October 6, 2019: 

So after a busy week with NYCC and Betrayal Broadway you'd think Tom Hiddleston would want to go home and get some rest? Nope. Tom headed to the Opening Night of Slave Play at the Golden Theatre in New York City.

He didn't have very far to go since the Golden Theatre is directly next door to the Jacobs Theatre. 

You can actually see a part of the marquee for Betrayal Broadway in the press line. (vnina)

There was a brief red carpet interview with BroadwayWorld where they talk about the "community of Broadway". 

Tom with Slave Play director Robert O'Hara. 

Tom also posed with former, Avengers, co-star Clark Gregg. Coulson seems to have gotten over that whole Loki trying to kill him business. 

Some other famous faces included Betrayal Broadway co-star Zawe Ashton and Rachel Brosnahah. 

And Jake Gyllenhaal. Only two months ago, Tom also attended the Opening Night for Jake and Tom Sturridge's play. Sea Wall / A Life became the first show of the 2019 Broadway season to recoup it's initial investment. 

The Old South lives on at the MacGregor Plantation - in the breeze, in the cotton fields...and in the crack of the whip. Nothing is as it seems, and yet everything is at it seems. Slave Play rips apart history to shed new light on the nexus of race, gender, and sexuality in 21st-century America. 

Slave Play runs through January 5, 2020. You can buy tickets here


Welcome to Autumn in New York where it's 90℉ and 40℉ in the same week so time bring out the Hamlet coat. The current version of this Paul Smith Pea Coat has slightly different coloring on the lining that Tom's original 2017 version. 

Opening Night pictures via Getty


  1. What is the deal with the Hamelet coat? Did he wear it for Hamlet and hasn't taken it off since?

    1. All the RADA Hamlet clothes were donated by Selfridge's. Tom keep all the items from his wardrobe (except for the leather jacket)... and being as we haven't seen the coat in about six months I would say he definitely has taken it off at least once since then :)
